I make busy moms and dads...
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"6 weeks ago I started my Shed and Shred program at Scrimo Fitness Personal Trainer. Today was the final weigh ins at Legacy Gym Wooster I dropped 50 pounds in 6 Weeks!”
"Since it’s that time of year when everyone starts to think of New Years resolutions I want to take a minute to brag on my trainer I used this year. When I visited my son last January and saw the picture on my pass to get on the base I vowed to change. These two pics are going to be less than a year apart. I also have to add that besides walking I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I went to the gym. This transformation took place in the kitchen. Last year’s picture I was nearly 400 pounds. I’m now in the 260’s. I’m not where I want to be but I’m on my way thanks to the encouragement of a friend I’ve never met in person Terri Carathers and a trainer I’ve never trained with in person Seth Scrimo so if u need help message Seth. He helped me make life long changes. No more diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, high cholesterol, and off pain meds for arthritis.”
"The past 6 months I have been working with a personal trainer-
Seth Scrimo. Throughout these 6 months I have changed everyday habits slowly to the point where now it’s just a part of my everyday life. With Seth’s help, I have learned the importance of meal prep, I have upped my protein tremendously, track and have increased my steps, track my food, and workout 2-3 times a week at home (would like for this to get to 4 times a week but slow steps here lol). The workouts Seth has made me are unique to my goals, my busy life as a full time working mom, and the equipment that I already have at home. I am so glad I took the leap with Seth and have learned so many new habits that are changing my lifestyle, as well as, setting a good example to Henry on having a healthy relationship with food and staying physically active.
The picture on the left is from June of this year- the photo on the right is from this past weekend. In the past 6 months I have lost roughly 20 pounds (depending on the day-I hate the scale lol). This is not something I’m used to, as I typically go on fad diets and lose 20 pounds within 2-3 months- but I know this is more sustainable and I have noticed many changes in my body beyond what the scale tells me.”
"I've tried diet after diet. I've tried no carbs. I've tried no sugar. I've tried every fad diet you can think of and gotten no where with it. So when I started this program and seeing results, like very quickly, I was like, Okay I am on the right track now. This is where I should have been years ago. ”
Seth’s niche of training is weight loss and body transformations. Seth has helped over 10,000 people change their lives and improve their health through systematic weight loss.
What Seth found is that most people over 30 who are struggling with their weight feel getting in great shape just isn’t possible for them… They no longer recognize themselves in the mirror, and they’re tired of buying the next clothing size up. But they’re too exhausted and overwhelmed taking care of everyone else, leaving little time or energy for their own self-care.
What they really want is to look and feel sexy in their favorite jeans, bathing suit, and even their birthday suit.
So they try every diet and exercise program under the sun with little-to-no results…and lots of frustration. It doesn’t matter if they go keto or Paleo, do HIIT or boot camps, take supplements, wear patches, or offer their own kids as a sacrifice to the weight loss gods… NOTHING WORKS!
Eventually, enough is enough, so they quit… again.
Until Seth steps in to save the day. That's his superpower... turning busy moms and dads into super parents.
I help busy moms and dads unlock weight loss success without sacrificing their favorite foods, spending hours at the gym, or compromising their family time.
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